Monday, February 23, 2009

A Blogger's Dozen Revisited

By looking, reading and living in a 'controlled floundering' state, I realize that blogs, wikis, tags, archives, gadgets, widgets, mash ups, tumblelogs, wayfinding and podcasts are some of terms & tools needed to understood and experienced to gain membership in ...
Classroom 2.0.

Many forms of media today (plural for medium, here) interact in multiples and continue to expand the concept of information literacy and collaborative technologies, launching 'me & we' into a new realm of 'connectivity' that transcends traditional barriers, beckoning to the future. Kurzweil stating "...a million times more powerful... transformative" puts it into perspective.

My job as teacher and learner is to immerse myself in these media and to be engaged fully in the practice for the common good, in knowledge creation and in solution-finding, locally and globally, that can make a difference to others. Codes of Practice, Creative Commons, Literacy Initiatives and Authentic Voices are some of the 'wave particles' making it possible.

I realize that I know very little about this 'new world literacy' and that it's important to embark in order to do, to know and to understand if I am to teach competently in this 21st century. Time to get on board, adopting Generation M's approach, to play and learn! A quote comes to mind that is attributed to Henry Ford, American car magnate, and I believe it describes a universal human attribute that is as relevant today as it would be in his time: "If you think you can, or if you think you can't, you are probably right".